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Submission Guidelines


Ute Lotz-Heumann and Beth Plummer, North American managing editors of the Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte / Archive for Reformation History, invite submissions of innovative scholarly work on aspects of early modern European religious life and thought related to the Protestant Reformation, Radical Reformation, and Catholic Reformation/Counter Reformation/early modern Catholicism. The extension of European theology and practice into the extra-European world also lies within the journal’s scope. Its chronological range is approximately 1450 to 1750.

The ARH relies heavily on scholars all over the world for their, their colleagues’ and friends’, and their students’ submissions, as well as for their service as evaluators. Many thanks for your help in promoting the well-being of the Archive, our common enterprise.

Please note that we do not accept manuscripts published elsewhere, or very soon to appear elsewhere, in either article or book form. If your manuscript bears a close relationship to part of a book in progress, please let us know. For one year after the publication of an article in the Archive, the publisher holds copyright. After one year, the publisher and editor merely protect the rights of the author and monitor the use of the materials. In any subsequent publication of material identical or similar to the article, the author should mention its previous appearance in the Archive.

A manuscript should not exceed 12,000 words (including notes). The author should submit the manuscript to the North American editors ( as an attachment to an email message. The journal will read it and arrive at an initial judgment. If it considers it potentially suitable for publication in the journal, it will forward it anonymously to two specialist reviewers for detailed evaluations. The ARH will make every effort to limit the period of review to three months, and to maintain confidentiality about evaluators’ as well as authors’ identities.

A manuscript that the ARH considers promising will be returned to the author along with our and the readers’ suggestions for improvement. At this point, the author may elect to withdraw a submission or to revise and resubmit it. The author should inform the journal promptly whether s/he intends to resubmit, and if so, indicate when the ARH may expect to receive the revised version. The manuscript should be recast in accordance with the suggestions, brought into full conformity with Archive style guide (see button above), and submitted to both of us as an attachment to We will then determine whether and to what degree the essay has been improved and inform the author whether we accept it. In consultation with authors when necessary, we will copy–edit and proofread manuscripts accepted for publication.

Throughout the evaluation and editing processes, the journal will make every effort to keep authors informed about the the status of manuscripts and the probable date of publication of those accepted. Because the Archive appears only once a year and has a maximum number of pages, half allotted to North American contributions, an article’s publication may be postponed for purely logistical reasons. Polakicau